I did the V8 swap from 250 and the power steering on my 302 from a granada doesn't fit with hose the center one cause it's two male plug so somebody got some tips please thanks David
Hate to say it... ...but my reply will probably be the obvious: 1. If you have the newer (plastic-type) PS pump, then you could consider replacing it with the older (all-metal) kind like was on the 250. Getting all the bracketry to line up could be a prob. 2. (What I did) Go to the junkyard and find Granadas, Mustangs, etc. with that same PS pump. Gank about three PS pressure hoses from them, and cut off the fittings that go to the PS pumps. Take some old Mav PS hoses to a hydraulic shop along with the fittings, and have them make you custom hoses with the late-model fitting on one end and all the bendy-Mav-stuff and old fitting on the other end. 3. Get rid of PS... Bests, Atzy.
c-75 i did the 250 thing but could not get the pump to fit the v8 bracket. the v8 pump center hole is off set, the 250 is in line. i put the v8 pump and bracket on and went to the parts store and got the stock hose for it. the return line is just a 3/8 hose (no pressure). it worked for me...frank...