Anyone know what other ford rear end will slide into 71 grabber? I have an open/non posi rear and want to buy a complete unit to swap in. Fox body rear? Vintage mustang rear-60's only? Thanks
late 50s 9" all the way to the late 70s 8" and 9" in most leafspring cars will bolt into the maverick. the problem is there are different lengths. that will mess with the wheel offsets that you have to use. a fox mustang one wont bolt in. its a 4 link diff not a leaf spring diff. also your posting in the tools and shop talk section. this question would get more attention in the technical section. this section is about tools and shop equipment mostly.
As far as I can remember (which ain't as good as it used to be) the Mavericks were the narrowest of all the for 8" or 9" rear ends. All of the Hot Rod guys stole the rear ends out of wrecking yard mavericks for 20's and 30's hot rods as they were the narrowest you could get. There may be some later rear ends with the same width that you would have to weld spring pads to, but depending on where you are it shouldn't be too difficult to find one in a bone yard that still has a rear end in it.
None of which matters much as you're not likely to find any of these rears now. Best bet for a 9" rear is the ones from a Lincoln Versailles, Merc Monarch, or a Ford Granada (std in the first, optional in the others)