So I got a disk brake set up from a 77 Maverick for my 73. After the swap my front end is sky high. My question is, did the 77 have different (shorter or softer) front springs or did it ride level because of the honking front bumper on a 77? The 73 bumper is pretty heavy but not 77 heavy. Anybody have this experience and what did you do to rectify it?
Did you install the springs from a 77 as well as the brakes??? If not, I am with Mr Miller...Drive it and the front will settle down. Its sky high because you had it in the air for the swap and totally unloaded the front suspension...
Look at the pic I posted compared to thumbnail in profile. I did not change springs, just the disk spindles. Mind you, in this pic the rear is on jack stands and I have jumped up and down on the front bumper with my 235lb of girth. The car has been sitting like this for over 6 months but I have not driven it, except driving it to move it around the yard. I will probably wait to modify anything until I actually start driving it around. On a better note, I am going to be the proud owner of a 48 x 24 shop/garage in the near future. Right now I have the Maverick crammed into the attached garage. The Wrangler is under a HF shelter and the newest acquisition (70 Mustang sportsroof) is outside under a tarp. My son's MR2s (#2) sit outside. They're supposed to start next week. The trusses have already arrived. The rain has begun here in the Pacific Northwest and the garage will be a welcome addition.
How old is your suspension? Upper & lower control arms, spring perch? Tie rods, strut rod bushing, etc....
If you removed the saddles, are they correctly oriented with the coils properly seated at the top and bottom?
I did install new lower control arms when swapping spindles. Gonna have to double check position of springs
jack the car up and loosen the bolts on all the suspension set the car down and then tighten the bolts. you may have it locked down in the unloaded position.
Yup.... My Comet was high after disc brake install, BUT I also installed a aluminum, intake & headed 5.0. Wound up installing 6cyl springs to get it's nose out of the clouds.
Thanks, I did exactly what NPD Jeff was talking about, tightened lower control arm with wheels fully extended. Now I have some place to start.