Well, the dates are set, so mark your calendars. July 24-27, 2003, New Castle, Indiana. More details will be posted soon as to what, when, where, etc. For now, I will drop the subject of drag racing and put that on the back burner. That is something that can be decided at a later date. What absolultey needs to be decided now is where we have the actual "show" at. Do we want it at the park as in the past, or just stay at the hotel on Saturday for the "show". Each has it's advantages and disadvantages, but we need to decide soon because the park pavillion has to be booked next week.
County Park I vote for the park. I have always liked the option one has for shade at the park. (In fact I took my Maverick out to the park on Thursday this year to wax it. Nice and shady)! Doug P.S. I'll be there even if I have to walk to New Castle!