I looked all over town for these, harbor freight, northern, Hotrod barn, Proformance products and the only thing i could find was for a chevy. Found a couple at verious online stores but they were expensive, then I found these on Ebay and got 2 of them...arrived yesterday...they look good. Now maybe I can get the engines off the floor and the engine stand Robert http://cgi.ebay.com/ENGINE-CRADLE-F...ryZ63939QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Agree with Craig on that! The traveling part shows have them also. Surprised on the bolting needing fair tweeking!
i have my engines on a movers dolly from harbor freight. i have about 6 of them. when there not in use for that i can use them for other things.
I almost was ready to weld up my own when i found these, I figured if they didn't quite fit then cut/weld to fit ....paint to match. Robert
another scrap project Here are pics of the cradle I built from leftover scraps. There are casters on it from a wooden cradle of years past. Jerry I know, I know it needs paint! LOL.
looks good. i wonder if when they built that cradle they ever thought where those wheels would end up.