I went to a local indoor car show this weekend. While walking through the vendor area I saw a 1/24th scale model diorama. I looked a bit closer to see this Maverick Sprint!! It was actually pretty nice. The guy had just bought it as a finished model from one of the vendors that morning. Wish I had seen it first. This guy would not sell it. Believe me, I asked! Enjoy....
Would be real nice is the rear decals were about half that size and it needs the correct hub caps and trim rings. Still looks great though.
I built my own Maverick Sprint about 4 years ago. I bought one of those drag race/stock Maverick kits from ebay. Built the stock verson with the 6cyl engine. I bought a sprint decal sheet off ebay that a guy from Canada was selling. It turned out very nice. I also bought some Grabber and Mach 1 decal sheets form him. I don think he is on ebay any longer, he had some nice decals! I also got '69 XL GT decals and built a sharp '69 XL.
Re-painted dealer promo...Very cool...Not a common promo either...Rare piece to be sure...I wouldnt mind having one of those either.
You can buy water-slide decal paper at Hobby Lobby (or online) and make your own decals. It is very easy. I made a Sprint many years ago, but recently disassembled it and stripped the paint to do something different with it.