I decided not to go with Dynamat because I was doing the math and it would have been a little over $1000 and that's without the doors. That's a lot of money to me. And of course that's doing a really thorough job, not just patches. So I wanna go with the peal and seal but my question is what's the equivalent to the TAC that dynamat sells. It's basically a foam type material that acts as insulation for heat and a little sound insulation.
I'm not familiar with TAC. I do know that you don't want to use that foam in a spray can that expands that you buy at a home center. That stuff will hold moisture. Household caulk will rust the metal, so don't use that either. Seam sealer from a body/paint supply or Napa is your safe bet. Aluminum duct tape can be used on the Peal and Seal seams. You don't really need to cover every crack with Peal and Seal or Dynomat. Here are some good reading on sound proofing. http://www.d-90.com/faq/Body/BodyCoat.html http://soundproofing.org/infopages/soundprf.html http://www.popularhotrodding.com/tech/0804phr_sound_insulation_tech/index.html http://soundproofing.org/infopages/hoodliner.htm
also, if you want to keep the cost down, Lowes has an insulation for pipes that actually works real good for sound deadening and against the tempurature. It cost about 15$ a roll. One roll will do the whole floor of the car.
There was an article in Mustang Monthly that talked about the Dynamat. I'll summarize: It is better to use it in strips for sound deadening. Think of the flat panels on your car as the bed of a drum. If you hold your finger in the middle of the drum and strike the drum with a drumstick, the sound doesn't flow-the wave was interrupted by your finger. That is what Dynamat does. (end of summary) I didn't use Dynamat 6 yrs ago when I was on that stage of my car-never heard of it. I used bedliner for the floorpans and then aluminum backed foam for heat and noise insulation. The next car that I do, I would consider using the Dynamat in strips as described in the article. Seth
My car is LOUD outside (Dynomax bullets turned down in front of axle, noisy-a$$ed fuel pump, and locker), but not too bad inside. I used the peel & stick over undercoating... Russ
i used some sound deadning from ebay, 100sqft for 100 not a bad deal. enough to do my inside of my car and trunk, haven't done anything with the trunk deck yet, problably won't
I did the same, I only used one layer of P&S, my heap is loud and it helped a bunch. After I put the new motor in, if it is not at the sound deadening I want, I will pull everything out and lay another layer.
Sound deadner I used Fatmat. I bought bulk pk-50sq.ft. So far, I did the entire floor, rr wheel wells and inside fenders behind the rear seat panels. I have not done the 2 doors yet, or the trunk but I can tell quite a difference in noise level. I won't do the rest til nx spring during warm wx. I think I still have enough for doors and maybe trunk floors. Im not sure if I will do the rear quarters; I might have to get some more to do entire trunck. I'd hate to have to do some body repairs and be the one who had to take that stuff off.
bringing this back to life . . . anyone have any problems with asphalt smell when it comes to using the peel and seal?
I used the peel and stick from Home Depot, and had to take it out. The smell was overpowering, and it made me get out of the car. I now have the spray on bed liner, and it works pretty well. I have turbo mufflers, so the car isn't too loud. I should do the trunk, though, and it would be a bit better, I think.
they have some stuff that you lay down its kinda like the stuff that is on the bottom of the carpet its at kragen's for $20 bucks its 4'-6' feet i like to hear my car and when i don't i just turn up the music
i don't have any smell in my comet, only the smell of new carpet, and old car. soon i want that fast car smell
The stuff I used "FATMAT" P&S has no odor. I have quite a bit of it in the car and I don't smell anything. I still hve some more on the roll and will put it in when I get the chance. The stuff is reasonably priced; I think it was abt 80.00 bucks a roll. If ur interested ck out the website.