I gotta change the spark plugs in my 74 mav, but i need to know the spacing! also, whats gotta be done with the distributor? dont i have to manually time it? thanks for your help.
A couple questions. First, what engine do you have? That makes a difference. What do you mean by spacing? If you mean plug gap, on the 250, it is .040. As to the timing, yes, you have to do it the traditional way with a timing light.
40if it is a california car. from my chilton manual, it says for 1974- .032-.036 for all engines including a 302. a california 302 from 1974 has a plug gap of .052-.056. does this sound right? now i am curious if you guys who have different manuals have different specs.
mine is a 302. and yes i meant plug spacing, i didnt know the gap. thanks. also... is it easier to just buy a new distributor with the new LED laser thingy that does it for you? haha
The .035 gap sounds right.New spark plugs should not alter the dist timing, but if ur tunning it up and need to set the timing, a timing light is the thing to use. I know of no distributer that has a led source that sets the timing for you. Were you serious there? Jan