i got buddy that has a set of granada spindels.. but i really need to know what year granada they came off of. the casting number is 5D7AA (then theres a Ford logo) then 315 i presmue they will fit on the maverick right? and are all granada spinels the same? any help would be good. thanks
The ones I have appear to have these numbers 5D7AA ford logo then 177 for the pass. side spindle. Drivers side is 5D8AA ford logo 173 or 178(hard to make out). These were off of a 77 Mav. Russ
hey, i checked my spindles but i couldn't find any numbers.. i still need to pull off the rotors yet though, they may be behind there... sorry man
IM into the granadas/monarchs as well as mavericks there finally starting to come around and be thought of as something that can be both different and cool. the'll never be as popular as mavericks and comets, they are big and a little bulky but its like mavericks were a few years ago very few people are into them, the group i belong to is growing rapidly though. i grew up around them my dad had 5 of the and me and my brother have had a few granadas/monarchs between us through the past few years as well. anyway (didn't mean to ramble lol) all the granada/monarchs we went through had the same spindles, at least 75-80 granada/monarchs.. the81-82 granada has the same suspension as the fairmont/mustang's.. i will post your question to the group though and see if i can be anymore help..
hey, i posted your question to the granada group and i got a few responces so i would say yes the spindels your friend has will work for you.. heres what 3 of the members had to say As far as I know all Granada (except fox) spindels are the same. I know Granada brakes are used on Mav's frequently, but I don't know if the tie rods/control arms/ball joints need to be canged too. The guys on the Mav sites should know this. Good luck. The spindles are intrchangable between the first generation Granada and the Mav's. The ball joints will bolt right up, and I'm 99% sure that the tie rods will bolt right up too!. Bob--Silver'77 Based on the part number, these spindles were first used in 1977. Ford uses a letter-number combo to mark years. D = 1970 and 7 would mean 1977. The next two letters or numbers usually represent model. A lot of Monarch-Granada stuff is either DX or DZ...I can't remember which. Jeff Roblin, B. Comm., CA, Webmaster Roblin's Garage R.R.#2 Demorestville, Ontario, Canada K0K1W0 (613) 476-5479 L.C. Roblin, Proprietor ---------------------------------------------
thanks dude that really helps!! i owe you one! but thats what i'm gonna tell the brake guys then.. it a 1977. now just gotta figure out if the front and rear wheels are gonna fit with 4 inch rear space. but thanks again!
i will getting the spindels this friday. just wating on the rims before i fit the brakes. first things first. thanks for your help!