Hey everyone. Proud owner on 71maverick here. I need help here. I just bout my wife a 5 speed 1998 corolla. Problem is that when driving any little crack on street or bump makes the car shake hard and pull to the right while shaking. On the freeway its even worse. Its almost impossible to drive on freeway because of vibration and pulling to the right with any cracks on pavement. Its a hard vibration and kind of sounds as if the tires want to fall offf. It sounds like the front of thecar was loose. Tires lugs are tight. Please any ideas of whats wrong or what I can do to fix would be huge help. Thanks alot guys...
First off, STOP DRIVING THE CAR. Next, jack up the front end and check all the tie rods ends and suspension joints. Something that causes the car to shake that bad, needs to be fixed before trying to drive it again. And should it be easy to spot the problem. And don't stop the inspection at the first thing you find, there could well be more than one problem area to fix this.
Have someone shake the tires side to side and up and down while you're underneath looking for excess play anywhere
I had a 1983 Nissan Sentra with a similar symtom. I discovered both front rims were damaged/bent. Exchanged the front with the rear and that eliminated the problem, but watched the rear deck doing rapid bounces every time I drove it. Not certain on pulling though. Had a buddy have a tire begin to come apart on the inside, this also caused heavy vibration.