Taillight socket for '73 Comet I just picked up a '73 Comet and passenger taillight socket is bad. This is the 3 wire socket that controls the brake light, parking light and turn signal. Is this a universal socket that Ford & Mercury used in several cars or is this a bastard piece and I'm going to pull my hair out trying to find one? Does anyone know what others cars the same style socket came in? Thanks Scott
I'm pretty sure you ought to be able to find a new replacement socket at any big auto parts store. You will have to splice the wires. I've seen them. Otherwise, I'm sure Ford used the same socket in several of it's cars during those years.
yep... a dime a dozen at any auto parts store...cheap too! just bring in the bad one and they'll match it up for you. i had no trouble finding sockets for my 72.