well ok. i got a new master cylinder and bleed the system the best hat i could...the bleeder nipples on the front wheels are so striped that i can get them to budge...the rench jusy slides around it......anyways...they work again but i have to pump them about 5 to 10 times....it is still worse then when i got them....so whats my next step?? should i replace the disc and drums on the thing? ive never done it before so im thinking of haveing a brake guy do it...i hope he will let me watch so i can learn!-well talk to you guys later-james
My suggestion is to take it down to a brake shop and let them fix it for you. They should let you know what they did to correct the problem. You may have multiable problems that make it hard to fix by replacing one item. Don't mess around with the saftey of yourself and others on the road. Get it fixed properly.
get an easy-out and replace those bad bleeder screws! have somebody who knows watch and check your work.
calipers are real cheap, i had to replace mine when i could not get the bleeders open. around 13 apiece, max. Just hope you can get the rubber brake lines off the steel lines without tearing them up. use plenty of pb blaster on the fittings if they're stuck
If the bleeder nipples aren't completely busted off inside the caliper, just stripped, you should be able to get ahold of them with vise grips. Let some penetrating oil soak into them for a while first before trying to remove them.