does anyone know where I can pick up some rear tire wells for a 72 grabber? I don't know if anyone makes them or if mustang tire wells will fit. if anyone knows what to use I"d appreciate your help. thanks nick
Sounds like it's time to mini-tub it Actually, I don't know if the Mustangs or other wells will work, but if you have a chassis builder around, they can form a couple for you. But if you tub it, you can put THESE tires on it.
I have used the 67 Mustang lower rear patch panels for the inner wheel wells. This has been enough so far. If you need the whole inner wheel well, I cant say whether the whole thing will work or not.
what do you mean by tub it? anyways I wonder how much it would cost to have them formed. do regular body shops usually have the ability to do that? the rear wells are half and half it looks like. and the inside half facing the trunk is fine but the outer half is rusting through. I don't want my panels to start rusting from the inside because of this. anyways thanks for all the help so far nick
Nick, Summit Racing has aluminum tubs for as little as $70 ea., $65 for steel (see link below). They replace the original wheel wells. A novice should NOT attempt to install these, IMO. Sometimes, the same well is used but a 3"-5" wide strip of steel spacer is added in the center of the well to widen it (rather than go the route above. Briefly, a 'mini-tub' uses the stock frame with (realtive) mild mods to allow wider tires to be run. They can be run on street/strip. A 'full' tub or 'back-half' is one that has had extensive modifications (usually, custom tube frame, axles narrowed, many more mods and re-inforcements - full blown racer). I'll check for better links with more specific info later when I have more time. For now you can view this LINK and look for the photos of the 'tubbing' construction. Rick Summitracing link.