alright well i just recently got a tach and so far i have everything mocked up. ignition wire goes to negative terminal (the one with the yellow boot correct?) then i have the ground grounded to the same tab as the radio uses. (not sure if its a great ground ill take suggestions on where to mount but i dont have much wire) now is where my problem comes in (if i have the rest correct) where do i connect the power wire too? the directions say a switched 12v circuit at fuse box or splice into a harness wire which is energize only when the ignition key is on. so explain it plain and simple because i havent a clue as to where to splice into or where and how to run it to the fuse box. and its the same thing for the light part of the tach...panel lights circuit at fuse box or splice into a wire connected to the panel lights circuit. PLEASE explain for the wiring challenged people like me. no manual and no diagrams leave me thoughtless but if i had em i doubt i could figure it out. wires just leave me stumped and i dont know why! side note: my fuel pump crapped out and when that happens it dumps gas into the oil pan correct? THANK YOU very much for you patience to actually read and explain. Keep and mind (before you rip on me) im only 16 and when i do this stuff its my first time with everything so cut me a break.
Problems First off I would like to comment on the fuel pump deal, if it quit pumping fuel to the carb and the engine quit, I see little reason for fuel to be pumped into the oil. Some of the older chevy's had a dual diaphragm pump that would do that if one of the diaghragm's ruptured and the other kept pulling fuel from the tank. To be safe drain the oil now and see if it is thin and smells of gas, this can be a dangerous condition in the engine. Check dipstick to see if it indicates an overfull condition first. Wiring is one pain in the butt most of the time, try to think of the electricity flow as being the same thing as water through a pipe. It comes from a source of origin(meter outside the house) then goes to each faucet. The faucet is a on off valve same as the ignition switch or other device operated by a switch. Shut the valve or switch and the flow is stopped, turn it on the flow starts again to the final source. If you can get a volt/ohm meter (cheap at any parts store or radio shack). Instructions will tell you how to use it to check a circut(flow again) and see where the flow or current is continuing or is stopped, at a valve/switch. Two people helps in this deal, one to check circut with meter probes and another to operate switches etc. Find the fuse panel and see if there is one marked ign and one dash or panel. Or better yet, get a wiring diagram. Using some wire and connectors to attach to these on the correct side of the fuse(just like a water valve, on the opposite side of incoming pressure). You should succeed in having flow of electricity only when the switch/valve is turned on. Take your time and read something on the subject or get a exsperienced mechanic to help you. Is not to hard to figure out but can get frustrating with so many wires to trace etc. You are at an age to learn and make mistakes, but keep at it, don't let it beat you. I am four times your age and still learning and making mistakes, I have burned screwdrivers, boxes of blown fuses and miles of charred wires to attest to the fact. Hope this helps a little, maybe someone else can make it a little more simple than I can. One rule I have followed, as a footnote, have the right tools for the job and always follow the directions(you believe that I always did, don't you?)
Hey Rob C, glad you ask that question. I am in the process of getting gages and realized I didn't know anything about wiring either. Thanks Old Guy for the input. John
yes i did check the oil and its like water and smells quite strongly of gas so i am going to change it out when this hurricane stops bringing crap weather. (a garage would be nice) nice insight on the whole wire deal old makes sense now i just have to do it. but this rain and wind doesnt make it very ppl friendly to work on cars its going to have to wait for now. when you say connect to the correct side of the fuse you mean the wire coming out of the box and not in right?i need to pick up a wire tester, its one of the only tools i dont have. im going to try to do this myself and if i cant ill call my cousin up and have him help me. he knows his stuff. is what i have so far right? ignition wire goes to negative terminal (the one with the yellow boot correct?) then i have the ground grounded to the same tab as the radio uses. (not sure if its a great ground ill take suggestions on where to mount but i dont have much wire) thanks for the input old guy any other suggestions/information?