Can anyone help identify this wire? Sometime while fooling around in the dash, pulling out the a/c control to ship off for repair, or yanking out the unused seatbelt harness, or wiring in the new gauges, etc, we've pulled this wire out of a connector somewhere, I think. Behind the a/c & cluster. It's possible it was just floating around in there. But it looks like it was pulled out of a connector somewhere but I can't see where one is missing yet. It's a black wire and goes to a little connector where a black wire and a blue wire with red trace come out. Any suggestions? 1st shot is the black wire with the connector hanging out next to the a/c wiring harness. 2nd shot is a probably unhelpful label on the wire. 3rd shot shows the black wire going to a large black connector where the other two wires connect.
If we are looking at the fat black wire it is the fiber optic wire that goes to the wiper switch. The end of the wire just sticks into the plastic bezel
That's what I was hoping initially. I've been fishing about in there with my camera phone and cheap endoscope but I don't see where it would attach to wiper knob... or anywhere else. Am I missing it? Sorry, these really suck, but...
The wire plugs into the plastic bezel above the electrical connection to light up the "WIPE/WASH" letters