So currently my parking brake is useless and i've had it for about a year now yet never really bothered to fix it since mainly because there were other issues needed to be taken care of. I dont know where to exactly start on this. Does any one know how to fix it? Right now I can pull it back to its extent but as soon as I twist it it friezes 1/4 of the way. Not sure if I have been using it wrong or not, i've been following the manual but it never works. Please let me know what should I do!
Cables could be in need of a good cleaning and greasing. The wheel the cable rides in could be worn out. Could need adjusting. You need to look at it and the answer might be looking back at you
My parking brake locked up one day where I couldn't move - I removed it from the drum and never looked back
The cable wheel is probably worn out, which means the entire pull-handle assembly would need replaced. It's a real P.I.T.A. with the engine installed, as there is a clip on the firewall where the cable attaches to that must be removed.
Nevermind I figured it out when I went to get my overheating issue checked. The mechanic told me where and what to check and it turns out the the line wasn't properly connected! Thanks so much for helping, most of this helped out a lot!