I pull a valve cover off today and found two of the valve springs screwed up (I think) It looks like one of the inner springs (the flat wound one) (maybe called the dampner?)is coming out between the outer spring coils. They are both on the intake valves. What happened, and is there anyway to fix it with out pulling the heads? The motor was rebuilt about 1000 miles ago. I had the machine shop assemble the heads and I bolted them on. Did I get the wrong springs? Is it a valve adjustment issue? I have no ideas. Much help needed. Thanks. Russ
There are two ways you could do this. Air application through the plug hole and the use of a compressor tool. Feed some clothline rope into the cylinder, turn the engine toward top center to jam rope against the valves and use the tool. The rope would not do any damage. Replace the damper springs. If they come out once they will come out again. Check how you put them in. Never saw this happen on a street engine.
You didn't say whether you had an aftermarket cam installed. If you do it may have too much lift for stock springs if that's what's been installed. If you use the rope "trick" make sure that the cylinder you're working on is on it's compression stroke with both valves closed or you'll likely bend one. sounds obvious but I've seen it happen. You may even call the machine shop and seek their advice, this shouldn't have happened so soon no matter who installed them.
Well it is an aftermarket cam It's been so long since I bought it I can't remember the specs on it. I think it is a Blue Racer Wolverine cam.It is a mild cam I guess you could call it a "RV" cam. It was in a 302 that I had and I swapped it into the 289 when I had it rebuilt(with new lifters). When I had the 289 rebuilt I took the cam into the machine shop and the builder picked out the springs to go with it. It's been about 5 yrs since I had the 289 rebuilt so I can't go back to the guy and say"Hey you screwed up" It looks like I'm going to pull the heads off. I have a spring compresser that will work with the heads off,so I'll go that route. Any ideas as too what would have caused this, so I don't have to worry about it happening again? I've been looking at the Edelbrock Performer Springs, to replace the ones in there now. Thanks for info guys. Russ
wolverine cam I thought I was the only one alive with a wolverine cam!!!..mines a wg975...if you can get your part number,CRANE CAMS is who you have to call for specs on it ,they bought out wolverine ,I called on mine a few months ago,if buy chance you have the same cam as mine email me I have all the specs for it!
Without seeing it, it sounds like spring bind. If the lift is sufficient, the spring will "stack" when the valve is open. Check the amount of room for the spring when the valve is fully open and compare it to the recommendations from the spring manufactuer.