I've been told the Maverick/Comet did not come from the factory with an engine ground strap. I have a ground strap on the passenger side from a bell housing bolt to the firewall.
The engine is grounded to the body through the negative battery cable. Start at post #25: http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/batteries-and-covers.103219/page-2#post-1049916
I have a ground strap from each head to firewall... one from starter mounting bolt to frame and one from batt.( in trunk ) to frame.
I have to admit that my first thought when reading the thread title was "How in the heck do you GRIND and engine down to the frame?!?"
On mine the neg cable goes from battery to the lower bolt on the block, and where the cable passes the voltage regulator there is a clamp soldered that goes under the bolt for the VR on the apron
I don't know..., I guess I should clarify .I'm running 100 amp alt~ aftermarket stereo, rear defroster, DRL with upgraded headlights, electric fan and fuel pump. It's a 2gauge from battery to block and 4gauge block to apron. I opened the stock clamp at the the VR and soldered the new I pretty much followed what was on my 300M. Actually the positive and negative cables are 300M pieces. Sorry for the confusion I should have explained myself better to begin with.
this is why I am grounded!!! http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/new-motor-acted-a-fool.31535/page-2#post-315650
i grounded mine at the lower front right of the 302, nice easy bolt location to the battery then i have a second strap from the body to the battery.
I have my battery in the trunk so I went a little overboard. I ran a negative ground wire from the trunk up to the firewall and from the fire wall to a common ground location on the frame rail. I then grounded the motor in 4 places. Starter to a frame bolt for my steering rack bracket on the passenger side, random block bolt hole to common accessory ground on the frame rail where the battery used to be, drivers side random block bolt hole to frame rail on drivers side, and then one more from the rear of the intake manifold to the firewall.
heads are grounded to the block via the head studs and block is grounded to frame. Heads are grounded to the intake and intake is grounded to the firewall.