After consultation with my muffler man, we decided that the full length headers and the side pipes will not go together, without some seriously constricting curves and kinks. So he talked me out of them. I have ordered 24" glasspaks, and will go straight along the driveshaft, exiting in front of the rear tires (I think). I need suggestions as to where and how the pipes should exit: in front of the tires, behind the tires, or straight out the back. I have a week to think about it. Pictures would help. I have bolt-on traction bars that stick out in front of the tires, so if anyone has these or has seen them in conjuction with pipes exiting in front of the tires, that information would be great. Thanks for any support/guidance/etc.
if they exit under the car you will get ALOT of exhaust noise.... it will be really loud. .. i have my dual exhaust go up over the rear axle and tucked into the rear quarters and come out at the outisde corners of the roll pan... it looks very nice tucked away ...
Anyone using exhaust cutouts? I was thinking that I could go header, 3" in/out cutouts, then neck down to 2-1/2" into glasspak, and out. Any suggestions for chrome tips? What looks good, but era-correct? ST--yours point out diagonally past the rear corners? Chrome turndowns, straight out pipe, or what? I have seen some that come out through the rear valence. I think that looks great, but I don't want to cut into it and possibly ruin it, or change my mind later and have holes cut in them.
I dont recomend exiting pipes under the car because of carbon monoxide getting into the passenger compartment, they are loud, and they kick up alot of dust when turned down to the ground. A good exhaust shop can run 2 1/2" pipe out the back although the left side is very tight.
T.L., dont be mad....scooper, run from the header outlet almost directly into the muffler/glasspack at a small angle, have a pipe off the back of that at almost a straight line to just before your tires. have the side pipes cut and welded to the front of the exhaust outlet so you cant tell the exhaust isnt going through the whole side pipe without climibing under the car. either that or find someone with a cobra kit and figure out how they have it set up from the header?
First you have you have 24" glasspacks. Just exactly how "ghetto" can you get there, Bub?!?!?!?!? And don't do the damned cutouts. With your engine combo I'd suggest going with 2 1/2" pipe all the way out. Ditch the glasspacks for something more modern....IE: less "redneck-ish". Get the pipes bent to go over the axle and out the rear of the car. Turn them down at the rear valance. Please. You live too close to me to have glasspacks.
"Redneck-ish"---I've been to Crosby, TX, I know what redneck is. In fact, I lived most of my life in Dayton, cain't get no more rednik den dat! Just joshin ya Shadow. :bananaman I am going glasspaks for a couple of reasons. Almost unrestricted straight-through flow (I recognize that some newer mufflers have less restrictive flow). Not much bigger diameter than the exhaust pipes, so doesn't get in the way when working under the car. Also, I don't really ike the look of mufflers hanging out under the car, looking like they are getting ready to fall off and drag on the ground. I really love my FlowMasters...on my truck. I want a vintage muscle car sound. I DON"T want my Maverick to sound like my Hemi Ram pickemup truck. AND THEY ARE CHEAP! So, it looks like they come straight out the back. I have seen a couple of pictures on the internet with decent looking pipe exits. I like the larger pipes on the black car, but would also like to not see a definite difference between the exhaust pipe and the chrome (no offense if this is your car). I want the chrome part to be about the same size as the pipe, or just begin where you can't see it. Keep the suggestions coming. I still like my pipes exiting in front of the tires if I can manage it.
im with him on losing the glasspacks. If nothing else, simply because they have a tendancy to blow apart and lose backpressure. if one goes out first your engine is running "lopsided" on backpressure. besides, they make some really great performance mufflers now. overall though, make it how you want it.
out the back is best, but more work. i currently have headers to a homemade x pipe to 2 summit house brand mufflers to 2 1/4 in pipe ending at the axles. a local shop quoted me $125 to put tailpipes on it, but havent done it yet. between the x pipe & the summit mufflers it has a pretty nice sound to it. not really that loud, but still sets off car alarms. you might get tired of that glasspack noise, especially after the packing burns away some. putting the tail[i[es on is easy for me since i did the mustang fuel tank swap. it centers the tank between the springs.
with your setup 2 1/4 should be plenty of diameter. if you have the big tank, you have to be creative routing the pipes because there is not enough room between the tank and spring.
How do you tell if you have the big or small tank? Mine appears to be a little off center, and I am guessing 14-16 gallons. I would assume that I have the more difficult one to work with...I wouldn't have it any other way.