Ok ,whos building the voting poll,Stefan ,can you help ,top 13 pics are in .Stefan ,i believe at least one member emailed you pics before the deadline and there not up yet.( a red comet GT ). I think it would be good to see whos photos get the most votes from 13 to number 1 but not show who has voted for who ,that is not important.I dont know ,but maybe 5 days of voting and were done with this part of this task for the calendar,im just throughing out ideas
The problem I see now is that there is no way to easily identify the individule pics. I can see sending you (Jimmy) a pm on which 1 pic I like, but 13? The poll idea could work, but then we can see who voted who and I personaly don't agree to that. Anyone got suggestions or ideas? Maybe I/we can create something and if it seems to work and people agree to how it works we can go with it. Otherwise maybe Stefan has a solution which we won't know till he returns...
Seth Roberts(littleredtoy )sent pics via email to Stepan to post on the 12 ,POST 91 2008/09/12 08:10,his pics should stand as in , and im calling that one.So now if Stefan Cant do this because he is on holidays then someone else please step up who can do this poll and contact Seth Roberts to send his pics to you ,post them to be voted on to . Who ever thinks they have the computer savey to do this please pm me or Blugene and lets get this done. Thanks James Beaulieu
I personally think either you or Gene should just pick the ones you like most for the calendar and get this over with! If I personally were doing the calendar that's the way it would be. You don't need voting. I think you're just going to create more confusion than you already have.
What? I don't understand... I think that since it was said that it would be a vote that that is the goal... besides you already know what i'm doing.
Gene, I think what you suggested in your test poll thread sounds perfect. Say make a thread with a poll, and each of the pics in that gallery plus the ones form littleredtoy, (maybe someone could put those in the Gallery too?) could be arranged in thumbs in the same way I posted mine in this thread. Then put a number or some other label under each one, and do the poll with checkmarks as you did in the test thread. Everybody puts 13 (or some other arbitrary number) checkmarks in the poll, and when the poll's closed take the top 13. (or however many months we're doing) If you don't know how I did the thumbs, I'd be glad to show you.
Thumbs are cool... I don't know how you did that. I figure that the link in the first post to go to the gallery would suffice...
There's no way to have people vote for 5 days without who they are being identified? That would be best.
I added Seth's pic to the gallery.. I like this idea and seems like the best way to do it. Ill make thumbnails of all the submitted pics and add a number to each thumbnail. Ill then make a poll with all the thumbnails and members can then vote on the the pictures they want to see in the calendar.