If some one has an interchange manual, could you please check to see if a 1971-73 Mustang evaporator interchanges with a 1973 Maverick/Comet evaporator? From looking at pictures online, they look very similar. Thanks!
Hollander lists '70 to early '73 as same part, D0DZ-19860-A Late '73 to '77 are part D3DZ-198060-A No idea of differences, possibly due to dash change? Neither of these interchange with Mustang(at least back to '71), apparently are unique to Maverick/Comet...
Rusty, send yours to Classic Auto Air and they can/will refurbish.... excellent work performed by them. Call the Florida location and ask for Ron.
I'm actually working with Ron right now. I was hoping the mustang one would fit as it is redesigned for 134a. CJ Pony parts is gonna measure the Mustang one for me so I can see how different it is.
The difference on the 70-early 73 are the tubes that connect to the expansion valve, on the mustang, one tube is longer than the other.... on the Maverick/Comet, both tubes are the same length. I am unsure of any difference in the late 73-77 Maverick with that made for the 71-73 Mustang. Another difference is the material they are made from, early ones are all copper construction and the later are all aluminum. These photos posted by CaptainComet may help all to see: http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/early-vs-late-a-c-evaporators.80508/