Just spend all day in the junkyard. 351w, c4/6 and 9" rear for $400. Had to pull it all myself. What a pita. Sounded like a good deal to me though. Of course it ended up costing quite a bit more than that after I bought and engine stand and hoist...
i think it was way to high and your wife needs to go out and spend as much on herself. your welcome.actually it sounds like a pretty good deal.
Verified tranny as a c-4 It was attached to the 351 inside a stationwagon. Guys said car ran but tranny was bad.
I'm not saying that it isn't a C4, but normally the 351's were backed by the FMX transmission. Count the pan bolts, C4's have 11 bolts, FMX's have 15 bolts. Pan shape is basically the same rectangular shape between both of these transmissions.
I will count them again. You may be right. I don't really care. I just wanted the engine. Guy wanted $400 for the complete engine or $400 for the car. I yanked the engine and tranny and traded the car for a 9"
It has 11 bolts in the pan, so it is a c4. The 9" has 3.25 gr open I couldn't find a L in the whole yard. I'm going to take my 8" and the 9" to a machine shop when I get the money and have them make the 9 work in my car.
It isn't worth the money...just send that 9" to me and I will dispose if it for you... (I know, it sounds corny to say it, but eventually, someone just might do it and I will have a decent rear end...)
Well, you'll need aftermarket (or earlier stock) heads, 'cuz '78 351 heads have big chambers and the same small valves as 289/302s...
my 9inch came with a 3.56 gear which is perfect for my car everybody wants 3.80s or 4.11 but im not turning to far past 6k so ill need some gear at the big end scott ill sell you mine for a millon-bizillion-galbillon dollars ill even deliver it for that and install it for that price