Does anyone have experience in using a Lemans style fuel cap on a Maverick/Comet? This is the hinged fuel cap that was used on Shelby Cobras and some Mustangs. I am considering aftermarket units, but would like to be able to do a bolt-on without modifying sheet metal. I am OK with modifying the filler neck if needed. What brand or manufacturer? Pictures? Thank you.
I installed one from a 71-73 Mustang. It does stick out just a little but I'm going to re-work the tail panel to get it a little more flush. It does bolt right up, though.
Those Mopar caps are really nice horizontal opening caps. My Mustang cap opens with the latch at the top and flips down.
Man, those Mustang gas caps are sexy. But you can get gas stolen easily, isn't it??? I don't see any lock.
Here's a link to the one I'm using on my Shelby-style Mav. I ordered it from England about 3 years ago, but the car is still on jackstands, so no pics available of it installed. I chose it because it's the same as the one used on Cobras, but in a 2 3/4 in. neck as opposed to the 3 1/2 in. neck used on the Cobras. It's a natural aluminum finish, for that authentic race car look. As you can see on the one page, there are a number of variations available (chrome, polished aluminum, non-polished, and various sizes), but they aren't cheap. Back then it cost me $200 by the time I'd paid exchange and shipping. I felt this little detail would help in a big way to impart the style I wanted my car to reflect. I hope this helps.
Yes, I really like that cap John. I was having a hard time deciding between that one and the one I presently have. Yours would probably work best on a stock tail panel because mine would hang over the top and bottom edges.