Found it... ...that lime green '71 on E-bay appears to have shiny metal trim over the center bars. Interesting. You learn something everyday. Seth
wow wow thats real nice... anyone know where i can get my hands on a 71-77 comet grill in great/good shape ie no broken stuff
Seriously, I think I have a grill in my parents garage. I had a 71 comet GT in high school and I searched high and low for one back in '84. I got rid of the car but kept the grill because it took me months to find. (hoping deep down it would have insurmountable value in the future when everyone discovered the secret of the Maverick/Comet). I will visit my parents this weekend (my old parts warehouse too, ha ha ) and take a look. I would gladly sell/trade it to a fellow Mav/Comet guy with a good cause. If I remember right it was in great shape. I'll keep my fingers crossed and check it out this weekend.
yo aww man that would be great i i duno if it will fit a 73 i should but thats great news if u are willing to sell just fly a price and condtion/ pictures if u can. thx a lot :bananaman :bananaman :bananaman
If its a GT grill, I will win. Actually we both can win. I'll by the GT grill for my 71 GT and sell you the grill thats in there now.
great that sounds like a great deal to me, i don't want a GT grill but i would love to steal that one off of ya if/when u get a GT grill. so yea i will keep my eyes open for a gt grill. i found one at my local yard this 72 Mav was in great shap i guess it was sent to the yard cuz of the tail lights being all the way in the backset almost but everything else was fine i stole most of the enigne that day. i wish i couldhave taken the car but most of our junkers wont sell whole cars. kinda stupid, i would have taken the grill home but the guy wanted 140 bucks, i figured i was getting riped off. well i duno:bananaman :bananaman :bananaman
It looks like I will be having dinner at my parents house on Sunday so I will look for the Comet grill. I am pretty sure it is not a GT grill but maybe I just can't remeber. I haven't looked for it in years, but I am pretty good at saving things. I got it out of a car I saw sitting on blocks in someone's driveway. I think it was out of a 2dr. I am not looking to really make any money on it. I think I paid $35 for it in the mid 80's so if I get $50 plus shipping I will be happy. Let ya know Sunday night or Monday morning.
Bad News. I looked for my old Comet grill but it was GONE! My brother must have beat me to it. I will check with him soon, it may be in his garage somewhere. Sorry guys I'll keep lookin'.