quick question, are early mustang rear seats the same dementions as maverick rear seats? if so will they work?
I did a search and found nothing.... When I was looking for a rear seat I took the measurements of my maverick and measured a bunch of seats at the junkyard. I ended up with a Probe unit, its the kind that has 2 seats in the back. It took quite a bit of work, but now i got a 2+2 You could always hop onto a mustang forum and ask them for measurements, I've done that from time to time. They have no problem helping out
i was thinking about getting old style bucket seats for the front so i was wandering if the back seat was about the same. if so id just swap it all in at once.
not sure... front buckets are all personal preferance in my opinion.. but i havent found any other back seat that fits like the maverick one.. i suggest redo a the rear one to match witch ever front seats you go with.
I have used probe fronts, they have an old style low back look to them, with head rests. If you follow Alex's idea, you could have a good matching set.
I like the probe fronts, but after a while I didn't like the rear seat anymore. It looks too modern. I takes A TON of modification to make the rear seat work, too much in my opinion. I would not do another probe rear seat, or recommend it. The back of the seat fits perfectly but I had to trim a bunch of the bottom. Then I had to fiberglass some steel rods so it would fasten down like the original seat did.