anyone know if i can swap a rear segment of a unit body into my 72 mavi??? i have had 3 parts cars slip threw my fingers in the last 3 months.. yesterday i took the kids and wife for a drive that was about 6 hours long to find out the guy sold the car already... so im just bummed right out, even though it was a nice drive and the wife enjoyed herself.. I have been having the worst time with my mavi.. thanks for any advice, even if i have to shave and trim something down, i'll do anything to finish my car by spring.
You can do anything if you have the parts and the skill. Personally...I would opt for another car before I started trying to swap out an entire segment of a car.
well, i was debating on finding a early to late 70's monte carlo and swapping the entire unit body for a solid frame but im not 100% sure that it would work, think i have a shot at this method??? where im located, parts cars are a nightmare to find and most of them are in worse shape then my mavi...