So I've been looking around for a fuel sending unit and I saw on that when I put in my vehicle (1976 Maverick) it lists a few different "Universal" sending units. Will any of these work for my car? I saw that someone said before that they got a Mustang 2 sending unit to work fine but it's a lot more expensive than these universal ones so I thought I'd ask.
We ended up getting a fuel sending unit out of a '77 Monarch and it's working fine so far. Thanks for the input on the universals.
Was this a Ford Granada or Mercury Monarch part? What was the part number, and where did you buy it? I have been trying to find one for my 75 Maverick. Thanks, Ray
Oops... sorry for the confusion there, it was a Mercury Monarch. I totally thought the Monarch was a Ford. Silly me. We took the part out of a car at a junk yard. My husband also thought that the Granada part might work but we didn't look because we hit the Monarch first.
Ford or Mercury, are for the most the same just a different class of car. Most of these parts are inner changeable.