I'm sure this is one of those topics that's like synthetic vs organic oil, posted to death, but I've searched pretty heavily and only found a couple really old threads on the topic. I'm looking at buying a '71 Comet (with a bunch of tasty '72 Grabber parts) with a 200 I6 in it. I have a 302 from a '71 Torino and a TCI Streetfighter C4 ready to drop in but want to make sure I can get the necessary swap parts before I pull the trigger on the Comet. So here goes...I pretty much already know most of what I need from the older threads, so just a couple questions. Promise The old posts have links for V8 frame mounts from Crites & Autokrafters, but neither company shows them available or even listed on their websites. Does anybody know if they're available from these places, or another current source? I know I can just call those places Monday, but the Comet is a really straight, complete, running car at a good price and I would rather not let it sit till then. I have no use for a 6-cyl car though! Here's a stretch...I have a '65 Fairlane 289 car as a donor (it had the 302 in it). Any chance anyone knows if the driveshaft and radiator from it would fit the Comet? The water outlet is on the driver's side so I'm guessing it might; in fact, the radiator may well be out of the '71 Torino too but I'm not sure. Any help is greatly appreciated...and if anyone's in the market for a '65 Fairlane 2dr hdtp body I'll be parting with one soon
The parts are, in my opinion, easy to find. I would not let that keep you from buying the car. (I have the parts for sale if interested).
Next door to my work place, sits a 65 Fairlane on a rollback - I thought "what a square car with very little styling" but just this week, while on the road for work, I saw a beautiful built 65 2 door - turquoise with a white top and I've completely changed my mind about the styling.
Thank you all for the replies and offers for parts...exactly what I needed to know! I had an '84 5.0 Mustang dropped in my lap for next to nothing this morning from a feeler I had out, going to look at that now so the Comet may not be happening. But if it doesn't pan out I'll be back for parts