With Brian's help (thanks, buddy!), we found that the 1973-77 wiper knob (without the "Wipe Wash" writing, D3DZ-17513-B) is very similar to a 1971-73 Mustang wiper knob, D1ZZ-17513-A. The veterans here may have already known that, but I learned something so I thought I would share. I plan to hold them side by side this weekend to see if they are in fact identical. This is a picture of my original 1973 knob, D3DZ-17513-B: Here is a NOS D1ZZ-17513-A: Hope this helps someone out (granted, if you can find an NOS D1ZZ knob).
1972 Only I believe. My orange car had that style originally. I switched the wiper knob and headlite know to the earlier style.
There is an NOS wiper knob on ebay now for your 70 http://www.ebay.com/itm/1970-Maveri...Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f245bed98&vxp=mtr
Thanks I saw that! I just don't want to buy one without the other in case I can't get them to match. If they are from a different year where they look different then the original that's fine as long as they match each other
Also, for those interested, this is the matching bezel for the 1973-77 Wiper Knob. The bezel is D3DZ-10852-B.
When I put '76 knobs on my wiper and headlight switches I had to change the mounting bracket behind the dash on one of the switches, don't remember which one. The knob wouldn't fit with the '70 bracket.
Thanks! The '73 bezel also has a small cavity in the back, where it looks to accept a super tiny light bulb (?). I have not taken my original apart this far yet. I wonder if the this is where the light tube from the headlight switch goes (I seem to recall that coming up every now and then)? It has been so long since I have driven my car, I'm wondering if the "Wipe Wash" part illuminates.
Just to follow this up, I finally dug my original wiper knob out and compared it to the NOS Mustang wiper knob I bought. NOS on the left, original on the right. My original is a little smaller than the NOS one, as you can see in the pictures. It will do very nicely, though since the headlight knob is round and a little larger than the original wiper knob anyway. I'm happy with it!