NO, on the BATTERY side, only connection on starter side is cable to starter. If correctly connected, fuse link is likely open(burned out). Could be because it was just old and stress of removal damaged link. Hope you're learnin' something, classic case of introducing problems that make troubleshooting more difficult. I'd already stated solenoid wasn't the no start problem.
how would I replace the fusable link if it is messed up? also are you talking about the two plugs are the front of the solenoid in the picture?
Electrical components do not smoke for no reason, link was smoking because something was shorted out. Most of the time because battery connections were reversed.
I'm an idiot...Sorry, yes accessory wires go on battery side. No, tom is talking about the BIG posts. With the heavy cables on em, one from battery and the other to the starter...If the fusable link was smoking, its most likely done and needs to be replaced. You can pull on it and see if it comes apart... I corrected my idiocy in my previous post too...
are you talking about the battery cable? also is the fuseable link the thing the goes behind the battery cable on the post on the solenoid if so it is just fine.
He is talking about right here. There should be a smaller cable or two (there were two on my 70) that feeds the power to the car. They should be right beside your big battery cable.
NO. Only thing on the other side should be the big cable going to your starter. NOTHING else on that side.
seriously you rock I am stupid. I put one on both sides and nothing works. no power to anything. I am an idiot.
Nope, just inexperienced. Seriously, take a look at my post history. You should see some of the questions I have asked.
may I step back a step. have you poured water in the opening at the base of the windshield to see if it is leaking water into the floorboards on either side. a gal. should be enough to see. have someone/you look under the dash as someone/you pour the water.
BION, Roger is into the board for around $20K worth of training... BUT if his Maverick runs before end of '20, debt will be forgiven... Yeah Rog, we like you...