351 power steering problems!!!!

Discussion in 'Parts Interchange' started by urfubar203, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. urfubar203

    urfubar203 Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    mitchell south dakota
    1976 ford maverick
    hey guys i recently put a 351w in my car and im wondering what ppl have done for power steering... ive read that you can just not have powersteering but im wondering if thats gunna make the steering sloppy since there isnt gunna be any fluid in the powersteering control valve and power steering cylinder, the only reason i ask is because when i drove my car after i put the new engine in it steered all over the place and pretty much went wherever it wanted to go. im in the process of replacing all my old suspension parts (pics will be up soon) hoping it will fix the problem but im still worried that the lack of fluid and pressure will still make the car steer sloppy... i really need some help!

    and i also am wondering about what ppl did about power steering pumps, the original ones are just way to big and im wondering if there is a different car power steering pump i can put in ( im not afraid to make my own brackets if need be) from any other cars ( doesnt matter what year or brand or anything) that will be smaller and still work

    thanks guys!

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