lol....almost everything on my car was dragged out of a I need an "Extra Full" paint job. Welcome to the forum Allen! Lots of reading to be had in here.....hours and hours of fun.
That is the beauty of these cars.....only a select few are really worth keeping un altered, and the rest are a canvas to do whatever you want with. And if it will not be a fun car in the end, there is no pay-off for the work. Besides, they are light and cool looking, so they beg for some level of performance.
Update! The headlights was a grounding issue, crimped on a new end to fix that. As for the carb issue, there is another symptom that may or may not be related. If the car isn’t started at least once a week the bowl drains and I have to fill it to get started.
Dependant on how the pump and/or enrichment circuit is arranged, it's not uncommon for carbs to leak off while setting. Though with your hesitation issue, could problems in carb. I've found if any of mine set for more than maybe two weeks, carbs are probably almost dry. Comet has a new Holley, Cobra has a recent rebuild on orig Holley & Fairlane has fresh rebuild on it's Autolite. To prevent excessive cranking I'll juice 'em before trying to start.