The Elusive Green One Here is a picture of the green one on the motormax site I just got a white on ebay for $9 this afternoon I one it. I couldn't wait anymore to find one around here.
Score!!! I finally got one! Stopped by a Walmart today and low and behold, there they were. They had about 5 blue Pintos, about the same number of Mustang II's and one lonely white Maverick. That little Maverick has a home now. I sure hope they get a few of the other colors in stock soon.
Nice paint job. Did you do that yourself in photo shop?? :evilsmile Show me those like that still in the package and I'll believe it.
hmmm Now show pics of the back of the packaging showing that it wasn't opened. Anyone can open one up an put it back in easily.:evilsmile
Anything can be doctored, if you got a good printer you could probabally print out your own matching car. Someone else on here did it for a Orange one with grabber stripes and all. Not only that but the pictures of the 3 that you showed were easily done in a paint program from the picture that I posted from the motormax site. The one in the package doesn't even match up to that first shot either. If there really is a purple one, I hope more start showing up, but this is the first I've heard anyone mention it until now. The green one I found was on the motormax website. But, none of their links as to where you can buy them are very fruitful. I found one site that had a set of six cars 2 pintos, 2 mavericks & 2 mustang II's So far I've seen 3 Maverick colors that's it.
Hehehehehe Busted! Hey when I get my white one, I'll be modifying it to look like a grabber. The card and all. Should be getting it in a week, Mailing my payment out this am.
Hey Dan, can ya do a Sprint one? I got a spare white one now. Came home from work today and there was one in my mail box. Tom Laskowski sent me one. I had no idea it was coming. Thanks Tom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!