Automatic to Manual steering wheel/motor/trans swap

Discussion in 'Parts Interchange' started by Lzoesch, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Lzoesch

    Lzoesch Levi Zoesch

    Jan 10, 2011
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    Spokane, WA
    1969 Maverick & 1972 Chevy El Camino SS
    I am going to be starting the process of switching out a motor, 3 speed manual and a steering column. My question is how and is there a way to pull the entire column assembly including the clutch peddles and everything needed in one easy pull. Also do I need to pull the manual steering box? I don't have any experience doing so, so I'm a little nervous.

    Is there a diagram on how to do the swap?

    Motor/trans ive done before and not worried -- but on the transmission hump in the interior side where do I cut the square out to install the floor shift kit? Is there a pretty easy way to figure this out, or is there a standard location?

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