Will a set of Bucket seats with tracks and rear seat from a 73 Comet fit in My75 Maverick? Thanks, Mike (Bigsmo92)
Yes and no, all the seats (with the seat tracks) will fit everywhere except the passenger side, since your car is a 75, it'll have a hump in the floor, for the catalytic converter. 75's and up, used a different seat track for that seat. You can modify the floor, but that may be more work than you want to do.
So, in order to use the passenger seat I have to have the 75 or newer seat track because of the hump?
Yes, and they are not too common. Like I said, some people have cut the hump out of the floor, but I think that's a pretty nasty job to do, just for buckets. But if you have the car ripped apart already....try doing a forum search, and see what pops up?
Well I posted in the wanted section, I think i'll see if i get any bites. That seems like a real PITA. Thanks, Bigsmo
In 23+ years of hoarding Maverick parts, I've only ever had one set...where they are??? I do not know, but they gotta be around here somewhere. I had a 75 Comet, that I converted to a Maverick (tail light panel and all) but it went to the crusher before it was finished... Good luck with your search, they are out there.
Thanks Dave for your encouragement. And by the way you don't seem to arrogant to me, what gives? Thanks, Mike (Bigsmo)
Does anyone have a picture of what this track looks like? We have a couple of comets and two Mavericks(Only found one though) in a Junkyard by me, maybe I can scab onto one there.
The seat tracks in this picture are from a 77 Merc Monarch (same as Granada and Versailles) ... if you can find some of them, they ought to work, too ... same floor as a later Mav/Comet. ... You might have to drill an extra hole (pretty easy) to bolt a regular Ford seat to them. The seats had a very odd assymetrical pattern ... one bolt out of square. I believe that the later Mav seat tracks looked very much like these.That riser in the back is riveted to the track, rather than a seperate riser, like the earlier ones. The lower one in the picture is the outboard track and identical to an early LDO track.
I have a 76 maverick and i was just wondering if i could use the rails that are already there and just get some new seats. Will that work or would i have to get new rails. Thanks
Tgilbreath, According to Dave and Jeff, if you have bucket seat rails yes. That seems to be the biggest challange to installing bucket seats. Or you could just sell them to me and you could get a bench seat HaHa!. There seems to be plenty of them going around. Thanks, Mike(Bigsmo)
I've had a busy few days and work. But hopefully today (at some point) I'll get out to the garage and get this all figured out.
tgilbreath, If you have buckets in that 76, most Ford bucket seats have used the same pattern underneath to attach to the seat tracks. (The Monarch seats are one exception that I have found ... the driver's seat was power tracks and I think that was probably the main reason why the pattern was way off ... Ford probably bought the power seat module from a sub-contracting company, and they made it work as is.) If that pattern is 13" front-to-back and 14" in width on the seat, it ought to drop right in place on Mav seat tracks.