Where do you want us to post our zipcodes? Let us know when you're ready and & where you want us to send the information & payment...
One question....if someone is going to pick up the caps at the Roundup and bring them to us, how do we handle that? Is the cost just $35, or do we pay the shipping also? Just a question, so I can get the money order right. Thanks, Earl
I'm not paying shipping if Dan (or whoever) picks mine up at Round Up. I agree the price should stand at $35. 72Grabber is right on.
Wait a minute here..........I think John ,who I know would ask for nothing, deserves a bit o compensastion. After all he has to deal with getting them to the round up and having the responsibilty to ship them out to those that so desire. Having to go and ship many videos I can assure it is a big headache compared to shipping one part. Again I know john would never ask for it. I just disagree he should be forced to do it for free. I think maverickers in general stick together but I strongly disagree John should be made to do it for free.:Handshake
I never said anything about John doing it for free. It would be pointless for me to pay $14 or $15 shipping if someone picks up the GA guy's caps at Round-Up. At $35 with the number of orders we got here, it shouldn't be much of a problem comeing up with a dollar or 2 a cap like 72Grabber said. If the price goes up, I'm out of the deal.
I Can Speak First Hand About Shipping As I Lost Money And Time Boxing And Taping Them Up, I Had Hoped That They Would All Be Delivered To The Ffw So I Have No Problem Compensating Whoever Does The Work It's Still The Best Deal We Will Ever Get
I agree...and Mavowar is right. The shipping should not come out of the little bit of money John would be making. I say if they charge shipping to John, it should be distributed equally. We're only looking at somewhere between $1 to $2. We're in the wrong hobby if that's gonna break us.
I'm not talking about initial shipping, 1 or 2 dollars is fine for that. I'm talking from John to me.
If we ordered them TODAY - which we aren't, and the world and all being PERFECT - which it isn't, BEST CASE SCENARIO would be that all the caps are at Johns house 5 weeks from now! That would be on JUNE 9th, 2006. BUT, John does not have our money yet and we cannot place the order yet, so they can not make the caps yet and they can not ship them yet. Damn, I did not think this was going to be this big of a pain in the A$$. If you want one, get online and see what it costs to ship from Johns zip code to yours. Then add $35 to that price. Simple. IF, and thats a big IF, they could be at the Roundup, GREAT. If not, then we need to be ready to be flexible and have them shipped to our house/business. I am not trying to sound like an a$$ here, but come on people, we are full grown adults that need to decide if we want one bad enough to do a little of our own leg-work and at the very least, help John with our zip code shipping cost information from your zip to his. Then post it in this thread and I will update the information accordingly. (If you want to send John a little extra to help with boxes, etc.....go right ahead) I also think that we may want to send themm all the same way (UPS, USPS, FEDEX, etc.....) so John is not jumping through his rear and driving all over Gods green earth to ship these to us (if that's what needs to happen for them to get to us). There will always be exceptions. Like the Canadian guys, can we ship? Will the caps be at the Roundup?(It would take 5 weeks from today to get them if ACCU FORM already had them in the boxes ready to ship, BUT they do not) How big is the package? (I gave approximate dimensions in this post) How much does it weigh? (Again in this post I stated to figure shipping at 5lbs) I do not know what your zip code is (other than scooper77515). Be flexible. Anyone who has done time in the military knows what i am talking about. Remember it took God 6 days to create Heaven and Earth and on the 7th day he rested. With that being said, The mailing of the money to John, the mailing of the money to ACCU FORM, ACCU FORM making the required amount of caps, ACCU FORM receiving the caps, ACCU FORM mailing the caps to John, and then John mailing the caps to us or bringing them to wherever, is going to take a little time. I don't mind doing this for the board members here but it is becoming a big issue in my family life right now. I am a single parent in the military with two school aged children and it is hard for me to find the time to get this done. I will press on since I am the one that sorta "volunteered" to call ACCU FORM and get the ball rolling. Now that the ball is rolling, let's all stick to our guns (and word) and let's get these caps ordered. No one is going to benefit from this other than the fact that we will have some really nice looking dashes to show for it! :Handshake
My "word" was that I would pay $35 for one with supposedly free shipping. I'll stick to that word. I am a flexible person, but not when it comes to money. If they can't be picked up at Round-Up, then several of us GA guys will probably have ours shipped together. It may not seem like enough money to matter to some of you, but to a high school kid it's alot. A dash cap is not the most important thing to me right now.
I will pay $35.00 plus shipping from John's location. I don't know how to calculate the shipping though.(sorry) My zip is 73448...
just let me know what the final cost is dont sweat the small stuff it is all small stuff have a good day