Get a ton of Rope.. cut it in 12 foot lengths, 1 each around you tires, then open up a tire swing business
around here, they usually end up over a big hill...... they just kinda roll themselves down there. weird how that happens
You know what is nice about this website, everyone is so quick with a good sense of humor, and people are very decent to each other.. other sites are really kinda rough
Throwing in NEAR woods is going to breed skeeters! mosquitoes Lots of people do use them to help burn brush. If you have a guy you deal with all the time in tires (dealer) That's the best bet!
If you cut them into 6 inch strips you can burn them in a forge (home made) and use the bead wire to make laminated steel blades for knives. They burn almost as hot as coal and cleaner.
I gotta be honest if this practice could piss Gore off and he could know it.. I think I would just start it doing it to piss him and all the Prius people off more. Hmm might even make my Carb run a tad rich so I can spend more of my Carbon dollars LOL .. That practice goes back to the middle Ages and indulgencies.. sorry couldn't help myself, I'll behave and stop being political.