Hmmm, has anyone ever put a pair of Maverick tail lights on each side of the car? That wouldn't be so different from a set of Bobcat lights, which seem to be incredibly rare bits these days.
I probably should have stated...put a left and a right on each side of the car, mimicking the look of the Bobcat lights, sort of. I had a clear picture in my head but didn't express it well.
I think we knew what you meant, but honestly that would look pretty cheesy. Like the taillights on the station wagon in Vacation. Haha. I'm jacked about this, got one polished up last night and it looks like new now. The one in front is done, the one in back is how I got them. I still have to convert the back light socket panels, waiting for my donors tp arrive to use those. No dents or noticeable damage, it's amazing. I used a headlight restoration kit I had on the lenses and shine like new. I prefer the chrome look myself. I'm trying to maintain as much natural chrome on my car as possible, but that's just me. When I bought the car everything was painted, so it's been a process of cleaning up parts or replacing them.