more stories please. around here the stories go somethin like i needed a dam for the pond. our biggest selection comes from the f5 that hit woodward oklahoma so many years ago. i'll take a walk down the river on my days off and get pics of the river rides.
awesome story telling skill bum steer... I wanted to keep reading like it was a book or something, sorta reminded me of the old louis lamore westerns except about cars. thanx
Thanks for the compliments everyone. Since I first came here to the Ozark mountains, and eventually moved here, I've become interested in history....not the famous history we've all read in books at school....the little stuff, local, individual and personal must be from living here....being born and raised in California, you miss out on alot of that....not too many old abandon homes in Cali are left to cause wonder and curiosity, most often quickly demolished to make way for more homes, old farms and ranches subdvided, paved over and made into housing tracks....old cars get towed off after a week, much less allowed to sit around for years to become a "Wonder what the story behind that is?" Rural areas, out in the "country" like this.....old small towns with their historic buildings....they wear their history on their sleeves, so-to-speak....the past is always right there under the surface. Even the largest southern towns seem to have deep links to their history, it intrigues me. I have a story about that, me moving here from Southern California and feeling out of place, and how history, my history, gave me a sense of home cars, but it's a pretty cool, true took over a hundred years to play out, but I can tell it in much less time! LOL
People around here used to use old cars to "fill a gulley". I guess to keep it from washing out & getting too deep. There's a late '40s Chevy washed down on our property that I've been meaning to get out of the gulley, just haven't had the time. It's pretty beat, but you can tell what it is and some of the stainless still looks useable.