THat is a beauuuitful site, Just checked mine out and nothing. But.. i got a manager at Walmart to order 2 cases, of these, he says the type of cars taht come are very randopm, and they jsut get what they send in a case.
First the 1/24th Comet model, then find a similar sized RC car to graft the Comet body onto, wow are the possiblities endless.
The Mavericks are behind the comet headlights and grill... Hey maybe they'll get a amav RC car, has anyone seen the Pinto RC? i saw a black one today, everything I have seen before is a freeking pacer.
I just went to Walmart.. long story on that one, but while waiting 3 hours to get a flat fixed, i checked and they didn't have ANY diecast models at all, But they said they'd order a case of them! and call me when they come in! The case come randomly with whatever MM sends them,
is there any online source you can just order from, dont really feel like hitting all the local wal-marts daily