Legally, a photo is copyrighted from the moment you take it. Even if you don't copyright it officially until after the infraction you can get damages. Damages would be the actual going rate for their usage. If you had copyrighted it prior to them putting it on the web or it was brought to your attn that it was on their site you could have also received punitive damages. I'm not sure how them being in Canada effects alll this. But I agree sometimes it's just not worth it. But then again, sometimes it just ticks you off and you do it for principle. I would at the very least send a letter certified or whatever works on Canadas end notifying them of the issue in writting with a bill for usage and a warning that it must be removed. At least if they got under my skin that's the least I would do. If you figure it isn't worth the trouble then ya gotta let go of the anger also LOL
They would probably just snag another photo and place it on their site. The next one might be Ray's Blue car
Unless you like seeing you car on their site you can send them a business like threatening letter demanding damages and see what they offer you. Can't hurt.