the 74's and up were a little bigger and will hang slightly below your rear valance but they'll still work, you can still order new ones
if you get a '75-'77 get the straps (they are longer). this is how much it hangs down on mine. ......
Or you can use the gas tank swap from a Mustang for many advantages... I did that.
I was just reading the parts description in the Auto Krafters Catalog and it seems they still make the 19 gallon tank that originally fit in the 76 and 77 Mavericks, now in order to make it work correctly and for your gas gauge to read accurately you have to find a 76 or 77 sending unit, you have to buy the longer tank straps and something about an emmisions vent grommet. Or you can try to find a used tank at a junk yard and have it cleaned and coated
Gas tank inerchange New here and need a ques answered. My 75 2 door has a 16 gal tank (early) , will the 19 gal tank replacements that are sold fit with just longer straps? Mine has smog equip on the 250 inline 6 . so I assume it is vented like a 76/77. There is a charcoal can under the hood. Napa and others have the 19 gal for around$160 new plus straps and neck ring but I'm not familiar with the diff in dimensions.
Jim, I still have the tank you gave me... It's for a 72... You can have it... Or if you want I can come over and help you put a 69 mustang tank in like I did to mine....
I found the f 30 spectra tank and straps. Nobody at any online or storefront seems to list the filler neck to tank grommet . The vent hole on top of the tank seems smaller than the one on my 16 gal tank, and again nobody selling tanks seems to have a replacement for the vent cap and it's gasket. The problem is I can't determine the vent hole size to be able to compare or list a 76-77 vent cap/gasket to be able to buy. Can I use my 75 vent cap?
Grommet-F6TZ9B076AA Vent Valve-E7DZ9B593A The used to be available from Ford a few years ago. Not sure if they still are.