Sorry, but the club is a joke. Locks are for keeping honest people honest. Kill switch is a good idea, or if you wanna go hardcore you could make the steering wheel removable. Its all about making your vehicle a hard target. If a thief really wants to steal it, he will.If you make it difficult enough though they'll take the easier to steal car next to yours.
It's a 02 that looks like the 03. No grey key. Yea, nobody will steal the badge if you put it on a Maverick
I've always heard these were the best. I think they are $500 or so.
Oh crap. Forgot its an American truck. Ours have Skim as a standard option those years. American trucks not so. Too bad its a real good system.
So are those the ones that you pop the lock out, insert screwdriver and drive away? Like all the Dodges a few years ago?
You cant do that with a Skim truck because of the chip in the key. That was our pre Skim trucks,say 2001 and down. With Genes truck its not as easy to get the cylinder out but yes you can get it out and drive it off with a screwdriver.
Can you tell me what wire colors and where to look to put in a cut out switch? What do you yhink about using a fuse holder for this? I have seen these cut outs that have several pins and it's only two that will start the vehicle. You see like 6 or 7 pins but you have to have the piece that fits it and it will connect the correct two.
Thanks. By looking at it it looks like I can just go to the starter and splice there and run the wires back inside. Hell, maybe I should just get one of them fancy starter/alarm kits lol. A long time ago I had an alarm in my Comet that also came with door lock actuators and I could lock/unlock the doors remotely. All that's left is the actuators haha. Time for some rethinking..