Some Granada's had a version of the 7.5. From what I understand, it is a different rear than the 7.5 and 8.8 used in later models and nothing interchanges with them.
well the car im looking at is a factory rear end, and is definetly NOT a 8 or 9 inch. possibly 7.5. I had always thought that all granada's were 8inch just some were 4 or 5 lug. Also the one im looking at, with a bolt pattern like the one in my 94 gt, is 5 lug?
like the 7.5 in the early mavericks? possibly, but it is 5 lug..? also i looked at some mid 80's model granada rear axles..the suspension is almost identical to the fox mustang. looks like the same axle housing on that one and the one i was originally reffering to, but with leaf spring suspension. I do know that a early granada axle 8inch will work in a mav, i helped fab one to fit in a 29 model a with art morrison ladder bars and coil overs. the dimensions are exact:Handshake
there are two granada versions. The Maverick/Falcon Granada and the Fox Granada. from 75 to 80 you might get the stuff you want for your mav.
the pre-fox ones are what you want. fox stuff is pretty much useless to the mav/comet world from what i heard some early 70 mavs had the 7.5 4 lug rear.
Ah, yeah I didn't even think about the Fox Granadas. They probably have an 8.8 but it wouldn't fit a Mav.
granadas , monarchs, versailles had 8s and 9s, i think all versailles had 9s? im not sure about that, but its worth to look at them
well this one is leaf suspension type, but looks like an 8.8 housing!! i might buy it just to find out.. only 50 bucks at local pull-a-part!!!
Like I said before, it depends on the model year....the 7.5 used in the early Granada's looks like a late 7.5/8.8, but inside is totally different. I don't know how strong they are, but I parted out a 77 Granada that had a 351W that had the small rear end. All Granada's were 5 lug, as far as I have ever seen.
yup 7.5 will LOOK just like 8.8, 7.5 arnt that strong dont even mess with them, early mavs had them 8.8 is a great rear, basicly becoming the new 9inch but i doubt that car has it 9s are the best.
well i did my home work, they did not have a 7.5 as far as i could find. It is a 8.7 inch the grandas( maverick type) came with 8inch 9inch, and 8.7 intergral carrier. who knew?? is this like an 8.8? will post pics from the junkyard soon