ok I went out and swapped the drums from side to opposite sides adjusted the the brakes again,the driver side had to be adjusted in a lot and the adjuster didn't have must threads left ,got the drum onand when I spun it around it was very tough to spin forward ,had a lot of resistance but if I spun it backward it did fine,well put the wheels back on and drove it still has the hard pull to the left ,when I got back and parked it the drum was very warm but the passenger side wasn't,im just blown away as to what it is! could something be wrong with the hardware or maybe the wheel cylinder sticking ?but if it was sticking why would it move freely in reverse
Maybe the passenger side wheel cylinder is stuck in position. Jack it up, jam a 2 x 4 (or something) on the brake pedal and see if you can turn the passenger side wheel. If you can, the wheel cylinder is probably stuck.
without the brakes applied the driver side is hard to spin forward but not in reverse,the passenger side spins frelly both ways,so what ur saying NCF if I press the brake pedal and the wheel spins freely its a wheel cylinder?
If the brakes are applied and you can spin the wheel, the brakes are not working for some reason, which would lead me to the cylinder. How is the brake shoe wear on that side, similar to the other side?
Are the shoes installed correctly??? The short shoe always faces forward regardless of side, front or rear...
I had my wife hold the brake and neither wheel would turn but that was several days ago,and yes I checked the shoes they r on correctly ,I will check the brakes again with brake on
adjusting till u have a slight drag ,i know everyone says that if its pulling to the left side the problem is gonna be on the right and vise versa ,now with that said it seems not to matter how much i adjust the left side in or out ,jack the car up off the ground that left wheel and tire will hardly spin forward but in reverse its freely turning easy. i swaped drums from side to side same thing
I fully adjust the shoes out till the drum does not move. This seats the shoes. Then, using a screw driver to release the self adjuster, back them off until they drag equally. I aim to get one tire rotation with an equal amount of force. Some may have another way, this is how the high school auto shop taught me years ago. Micah
Maybe you should read through thread again??? He wants to sell car and spend the least amount on it as possible... I'd surely be doing same, there is nothing that's not fixable... One reason drum brakes require less pedal effort than disc is the shoes tend to rotate slightly and "dig in " so to speak... This can be enhanced because of worn parts, maybe anchor pin, weak springs etc... If the lining has ever been wet with brake fluid, it's never going to be satisfactory, my experience is it'll always pull to side with bad lining(often will grab and lock wheel when moving slowly)... I know this is getting monotonous, but rather than to buy parts maybe not needed, you could swap shoes from R to L.. Maybe even just one shoe, if braking is better likely one side has been wet... Also I'd look at the adjusters for a clue, one requiring significantly more or less adjustment than other, indicates worn or mismatched parts...
yea mav-man I wish I had disc brakes but going to sell the car sometime in th enear future if not I woul dhave already ditched them!Krazy comet thanks man I have been thinking about this all day at work and im thinking the brake shoes might have had ben wet at some point gonna be busy the next couple of weeks and wont be able to work on this mav but I will keep everyone informed,if I cant figure it out soon I have a friend who had a brake shop an dhe said to bring it to him if I needed his help figuring it out, Im just one of those people who deosesnt like to get whipped by anything or anyone
I didn't know you are selling it. The problem with old parts they are worn to match each other as far as shoes and drums,so when you start swapping stuff around they aren't matched anymore. The shoes and drums are never wore completely straight, so when you do that they need to be burnished and broken in together. Because you might only be hitting on part of the shoe.also make sure the wheel cyl. Is not froze ,alot of times only one of the pistons are moving and other bad.each cyl has 2 pistons so make sure they are both good on each cyl. Also the biggy make sure there is no air or moisture in system and like they said primary and secondary shoes are right. More than likely a bad cyl.or contaminated shoes. Good luck.
Perhaps the issue is not in the baking system. Any looseness in the suspension on the passenger side of the steering box will allow the left wheel to cock on braking thus causing a pull to the left.
UPDATE: I finally got around to workin gon th emaverick brakes ,I decided to replace the brake pads with new ones this fixed the hard pull problem but I still had vibration really bad when u hit the breaks ,that problem was a warped drum so now I finally have safe drum brakes thanks again for all the inpt and help!!!