I left My business card on a the windshield of a "74 2 door Maverick with a 6 cyl" sitting at the back of a repair Garage in a "blink and you miss it town" outside of Des Moines it is baby blue , has the exact interior my Comet has, and it has sport Mirrors, I am asking if he is parting it out or what he's doing with it. My main focus is the Sport Mirrors, but the Quarters look better than mine too, .. any way my question for you guys, what is a reasonable amount to offer for those mirrors?.. in good condition, just a little oxidized on the paint. How much would you offer for the whole car for parts? The Motor is torn apart. I got word about this car from some guy I met in a convienence store in another small town 5 miles up the interstate from where this sits, Story is they had sold the car and the buy brought it back, so must have( had?) mechanical problems,
I've seen sport mirrors go for anywhere between $50 to $150 on eBay. If they are nice, I would say anything less than $100 would be a decent deal.
offer $25 for both mirrors. I agree that they do sell for high $ on ebay, but this guy isn't on ebay, he's in a blink and you'll miss it town. I wouldn't give more than $40 for the set but would offer $25, but that is why I haven't replaced my broken ones yet.... Anyway If it were me and I had the room and knew where the car was I would buy the whole thing and use what I wanted and then resell the car to someone that wants a project...if the car is in ok shape, if it's not slavagable. pull the parts you want and sell the rest on here or evilbay.... Offer $350 for the car and see what he says and depending on the condition go up from there.
It's just a saying that means a very small town.... ex: You are driving along and its such a small town that the saying goes "you could blink and miss it" because in that split second it takes to blink you could drive through the entire town without even knowing it (obviously and exaggeration).
ohhhhhhh i see, makes sence my first thought was that it was a high crime area, where if you leave something out, in the blink of an eye its stolen "you missed it" hahah alright, thanks for the clairfication. im not really from a "small town area'', guess im a city slicker? lol
HaleBopp: If you can buy the whole car do it! You know we live in Iowa where Mavericks are either Crushed Or Rust. Where have you seen another? In my part of Iowa the yards are empty of Mav's & Comets all gone. Buy it right sell parts off and scrap the rest. My Two cents.
Yeah I am trying to see what I can do, I really don't have a place to put the car while I part it out, but.. If I can get the stuff, Mostly the sport mirrors, then sell the rest off to someone else, I might try to make that happen. SO far no-one has called me back, I have stuff going on from now to until Monday, It might be worth fixing up actually, I just don't know if i can make that happen or not, I think the wife would have me flayed with a butter knife if I even considered it, if I had the money and Space having a 74 Comet and A 74 Mav Nearly Identical would be pretty neat. I will try to get down there to take a picture. To see what you guys think.
Halebopp, Keep me in mind for parts, seeing that I am somewhat in your area. I managed to buy a 71 Maverick 2 door (Im wating for it to be delivered) And you are right, I have found no yards out here with Mavericks or Comets in them. Glen
Yeah , I will definately give you guys the low down, on this if i can get to talk to anyone, the passenger door is creased, but i don't think the quarter is touched, and it appears the rust is not through .. at least on that side. What I can't do one of you guys may be able to do, but I have dib's one way or another on those sport mirrors. Maybe If I can get it set up one of you can by the car and then I can by the Mirrors back from you or if someone has a pair of mirrors just as good, we could call it a finders fee, and call it even! Will update as I can
HaleBopp: Just went to my truck & got the Atlas out! I didn't know where Bevington is but did find it just south of Des Moines on #35. I'm sure I've been past the exit going south but never noticed. I live in Manchester on #20 between Waterloo & Dubuque. I do know of a guy who has three parts Mav's & two Comets set back (No sport mirrors) but he knows what they are worth Too and is hangng on to them! Good Luck
Yeah it's just off the highway right past the Kum And Go, Honestly i have never been around tothe front of the garage win fornt of it so i don't even know the name of the place, not sure if it fronts to the highway or not, hmm anyway, I'll try to seee what I can do.