Well, now. Some politcial pundits and "experts" would argue that those groups did cost Bush the election...he just stole it. Of course, I believe that like I believe that T.L. is an un-assuming, keep to himself, opinionless participant.
More progress was made today. We dropped the gas tank and removed all the stereo equipment that was mounted behind the rear seat. We now have full access to repair the trunk. John Taylor did a good job getting the hood back in tip top shape and lined up on the front. Jamie was there today helping out and good 'ol Earl is still pitching in. Frank and Effie showed up for a few minutes. Effie hogged the heater and Frank had somewhere else to go when we try to hand him a mask.
Terry, I am very happy for you!!!!! It feels so good to get some momentum and see some progress. Good Luck and I for one hope you keep sharing progress reports and pics!!!!!
Yep, I had a good time with the wire wheel in the trunk. I am completely impressed with John's body work skills. That guy knows what he's doing for sure. This is going to be one hell of a nice car. I just got home. Time to go jump in the shower, I'm completely covered in orange dust.
Wow...I couldn't log on to the forum for a few days and now I see Terry ACTUALLY did something ...or I should say Earl and Jamie did something and to think I wasn't invited to the party...I'm insulted now...guess I'll have to follow the progress with these meager pictures ...that's ok...throw the dog a bone now and then Probably a good thing I'm not their, I'd be crackin the whip
Hey, I pulled the entire stereo, amp, gas tank, package tray, insturment cluster, and got started on pulling the dash. Pulled the gas tank AFTER we stood around forever waiting on it it to drain because someone (not mentioning any names here ) filled it almost completely up. Then Earl got the idea to blow air down the filler neck with the air compressor which turned the slow trickle comeing out into a fast stream. We drained the gas tank into a 6 gallon can which we were emptying into a big 28 gallon tank every time it got full. Filled the 6 gallon tank up 3 1/2 times. We all got alot done today. Earl did alot of sanding.
Shudda popped off that ring around the sending unit, Would have sped things up a bit. Thats one nice thing about the mustang tank, has a drain on it.
I woulda stopped by except I was at the Dome watching Grave Digger and Maximum Destruction! Looks like fun ... except for the tiny heater ...