whats your budget... i'd go with a Alpine http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8222498&type=product&id=1166840027254 or Pionner http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8207932&type=product&id=1166840026727. those are not a bad price... but i guess if you want the AUX jack you gonna have to spend a bit more... IMO you don't need it if it already plays MP3z
Has anyone tried the Retrosound USA stereo in their Maverick? It looks like you could mount these nobs in the factory radio faceplate and it would look sweet! http://www.retrosoundusa.com/?gclid=CJ7Qnte265cCFQsaHgodSjE2Dg
The one that fits Mavericks is listed under Mercury Comet.....nice unit http://www.retrosoundusa.com/products/details/id/43
Damn $300 for that thing. This is an old thread, I ended up going with a Pioneer 1900MP, which was around $100.
Well to keep the old thread going...Jamie, what head unit does your brother have? I was just wondering the other day if there are some with USB ports! Now you just saved me from doing a lot of research!!