I haven't done it but you need an adapter between the bellhousing and transmission. Everything in front of the transmission stays the same. The T-5 has a longer input shaft and the adapter eats up the difference when using your stock bellhousing. Late model bellhousings are deeper and use a cable system.
the stock t-5 bellhousing has the arm pushing towards the motor not the rear of the car and i dont think the pedtals will work unless a TON of fab work is done to them all of it http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=58050 then puting it all in my 69.5 mav http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=65916
So do you think it might be better if i get a assembly from the doner mustang with the cable and do a little fab work?
Seth; I did mine with a kit from a guy on Ebay. Search for "Mustang Steve" and look at this store. He has cable kits for about any Ford, and the hardware and instructions to make it work. Mine was fairly easy, just welding the quadrant to the stock pedals, making a small dent in the cowl, and reinforcing the firewall where the cable penetrates. You do need a late model bell, with the fork, and a crossmember (talk to Frank, 71gold). Your driveshaft should work. Good luck!
Wouldn't the adapter be cheaper? Then he can use his own bellhousing and clutch linkage then all he needs to get is Frank's crossmember. http://www.cjponyparts.com/product....gle&utm_medium=merchant&utm_campaign=shopping
hay i was just looking at craigslist and found a t5 from a 85 trans am with a 305 would that be compatible? or is it not worth it to get a older style?
GM and Ford T-5's have a different bolt patteren and different input shaft length and spline count and shifter location. Also GM are not as strong as a Ford T-5