Many decades ago I did that to my Maverick. Got the leaves from a Ford station wagon in a junk yard. Jacked the car up, removed the two bottom leaves, installed the wagon leaves. When I lowered the jack and put the tires on the ground the rear of the car didn't go down. The top of the spoiler was about chest high. LOL That experiment didn't work...
I could see that happening...LOL I just added a short leaf to take the arch out of the old springs...
There is no doubt a art of adding/subtracting spring leaves. There was helper leafs in both sides of my Fairlane, tail looked like a cat in heat. Upon removal the driver side is too low. Replaced second leaf with the helper leaf, helped but still too low. At moment I have one air shock pressurized to level it out but compliance is noticeably different from right to left. Now have new springs waiting to be installed, worried it'll be too high again.
I’ve been hearing different things.thanks I’ll let you know in a week or so. The car only has 8,700 miles on it. It’s not a bad height, I just want it slightly above level.